The Best Bodyweight Legs Workout Ever

Without weights, most trainers would tell you to do endless reps of bodyweight squats and lunges for legs.
Fortunately, Men’s Fitness contributor mount Bruno isn’t one in all those trainers.
Bruno has one of the most creative—and, perhaps, devious—minds in the fitness, and he’s designed a workout that may bring tears to your eyes while it adds muscle to your thighs. We can’t promise you’ll enjoy this routine, but we can assure you that it’s not like any you’ve done before.
How it works
The muscles of the legs are stubborn.
They carry you around everyplace, so it takes more than bodyweight squats to convince them they need to get stronger.
This workout brings the pain with moves that ask the legs to work independently or without the benefit of locking the knees out (which lets them rest momentarily during a set).
Correcting imbalances in your legs and keeping tension on them for prolonged periods can burn like sin, but you’ll be amazed you could get such results without putting a
barbell on your back, or doing the same old exercises that didn’t work it before.


Perform the exercise pairs as alternating sets.
So you’ll do a set of A, rest, then a set of B, rest again, and continue for all the prescribed sets.

The Best Bodyweight Legs Workout Ever

1a. Jump squat

Set: 4
Reps: 8
Rest: 60 sec.
Stand with feet shoulder-width and toes turned out. Bend your hips back and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Immediately jump as high as you can. When you land, reset your feet and then begin the next rep.

The Best Bodyweight Legs Workout Ever

1b. Kneeling hip flexor stretch

Sets: 3
Reps: Hold for 30 sec. (each side)
Rest: 30 sec.
Kneel in a lunge position with your right leg in front, and rest your back knee on a towel or mat, if available.
Extend your mitt on top of your head, and let your right hand hang at your side.
Contract your left glute, and push your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip. Hold for 30 seconds.

The Best Bodyweight Legs Workout Ever

2a. Skater squat

Sets: 4
Reps: 6 (each side)
Rest: 60 sec.
Stand on your right leg, and pick your left one up off the floor. Raise both arms in front of you to act as a counterbalance. If you have light weights or something similar to help you keep your balance, use it. Bend your hips and knee, and lower your body as low as you can. Come back up.

The Best Bodyweight Legs Workout Ever

2b. Glute-bridge walkout

Sets: 4
Reps: 8
Rest: 60 Sec.
Lie on your back on the ground, and bend your knees so your feet rest on the floor close to your butt.
Brace your abs, and drive your heels to the floor to raise your hips into the air.
From there, walk your feet move into a V form, taking small steps with your heels forward and away from the midline of your body.
Keep your hips up.
Continue till your legs square measure extended, and then walk them back in.
That’s one rep.

The Best Bodyweight Legs Workout Ever


3a. 1.5 walking lunge

Sets: 3
Reps: 15 (each side)
Rest: 60 sec.
Take a big step forward with your left leg, and lower your rear knee to just above the floor. Come halfway back up, and then go down again. Come back up, and then step forward with the right leg and repeat.The Best Bodyweight Legs Workout Ever

3b. Single-leg glute bridge

Sets: 3
Reps: 12 (each side)
Rest: 60 sec.
Lie on your back on the ground, and bend both knees so that your feet rest on the floor close to your butt.
Brace your abs and lift one leg, and bring the knee toward your chest.
Drive the heel of the opposite foot to the ground.
Bridge up till your body is during a line.

The Best Bodyweight Legs Workout Ever

4. Bulgarian split squat iso hold

Sets: 2
Reps: Hold for 30–60 sec. (each side)
Rest: 60 sec.
Stand lunge-length in front of a bench, and rest the top of your right foot on the bench behind you. Lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor and your front thigh is parallel to it. Hold the position.

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