Gratitude to overpriced juice bars and specialty organic grocers, some of the healthiest meals get a bad rap for being great for the body, but bad for your wallet. Thing is, cooking your meals and having snacks on-hand will drastically cut the amount of money you spend on food throughout the week.

And fortunately, loading up on healthy for your food doesn’t have to make all your money disappear. We polled four nutritionists on the fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins that contain the most nutritional bang for your buck.

Here are 25 affordable foods that’ll deliver the greatest nutritional boost for less than a Lincoln. Prioritize these the next time you head to the grocery store.



Average Cost: $5 per pint

Fresh berries are sweet and tasty, and most varieties have under 100 calories per cup. My favorite is raspberries. They’re easy to munch on their own, or with plain Greek yogurt, plus they pack a whopping 8 grams of fiber per cup. While they’re sometimes more expensive than other fresh fruits, they pack a ton of nutrition and can usually be found for under or around $5.

Oat Flakes In Bowl On Marble Table


Average Cost: $2.75 for 18 oz tin

Old-fashioned, rolled oats are a versatile all grain that provides heart-healthy tissue and essential nutrients, including B vitamins. Enjoy them sweet or savory in overnight oats or to make your granola. You can even swap them out for breadcrumbs in recipes for meatballs or meatloaf.

Cottage cheese

Cottage Cheese

Average Cost: $3 for 24 oz

With 26 grams of protein per cup—including casein protein, a slow-digesting form that supplies your muscles with mass-building amino acids—cottage cheese is an excellent choice for fueling muscle growth. A bit over whole-grain toast, pancakes, baked potatoes, or fruit salads. Or, know, just eat it plain.

Available at eBay for $1.



Average Cost: $1.80 per pound

Broccoli is an excellent source of immunity-helping vitamin C and a cup of florets is less than $1. I like to eat it in a salad or a simple stir-fry.



Average Cost: $0.55 per pound

Bananas are inexpensive and a great source of many important vitamins and minerals, especially potassium, magnesium, and tryptophan, an amino acid that’s important for supporting stable levels of mood-regulating serotonin.

Spinach with Turkey Bolognese

Baby Spinach

Average Cost: $3.50 for 5 oz

Baby spinach contains potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron. It’s so simple to use in a quick salad or mixed in smoothies and whole-wheat pasta and grain bowl for a nutrition boost. Spinach can also be used to make pesto, sauces, and marinades for chicken and fish.

Available at eBay for $2.



Average Cost: $2 for 12 oz

Soybean curd—aka tofu—contains all the essential amino acids, making it a complete, plant-based protein to fuel your muscles. It has no cholesterol, saturated fat, so little sodium, and plenty of calcium for good bones.



Average Cost: $3 for 10 oz

Store-bought hummus enjoyed as a dip makes a great vehicle for vegetables and can be used as a marinade for chicken or fish. It’s also a great way to dress up a salad or seed bowl.

Chicken Thighs

Chicken Thighs

Average Cost: $2.28 per pound

Boneless, skinless chicken thighs can be a great money-saving swap, as they have a similar nutrient profile to boneless, skinless chicken breast but tend to cost less. One thigh has a whopping 30 grams of protein!

Available at eBay for $1.



Average Cost: $2 per dozen

Quick and easy to cook, eggs go beyond breakfast. They’re a simple way to add a quick protein source to lunch or dinner atop salads, cooked veggies, or grain bowls. They too offer 13 essential vitamins and minerals, including a great source of choline—which is great for your brain.


Canned Sardines

Average Cost: $0.98 for 3.75 oz tin

Sardines are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, and the canned variety is super cheap. If the bones and skin freak you out, grab the boneless, skinless fillets and enjoy them mashed up and cooked into a sauce or in a salad with avocado.

Available at eBay for $2.



Average Cost: $1 per 15 oz can; $1.50 per 16 oz dry

Whether you purchase dried or canned, beans are a cost-effective source of plant protein and plus a great source of filling fiber.



Average Cost: $1.15 to 1.50 each

So delicious, avocados are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. They also supply the mineral potassium, helping to keep your blood pressure levels in check.

Sweet potatoes


Average Cost: $2.55 per 5-pound bag

Potatoes get a bad reputation because we normally believe of them fried. But they can be an important part of a healthful diet, thanks to their vitamin A, potassium, and fiber content so long as you roast, bake, or steam. Sweet potatoes outweigh white potatoes in nutrition, too, so prioritize the orange tubers. 

Glass of Greek yogurt with berries

Plain Greek Yogurt

Average Cost: $1 per 6 oz

Greek yogurt is a great source of protein, calcium, and gut-healing probiotic bacteria. You can enjoy it with fruit or cereal, but it’s also great with savory foods as an alternative to sour cream or dressings. The single-serving cups are around a dollar each, but purchasing the 32-ounce containers will usually end up being less expensive at the end of the week.

Brown Rice

Average Cost: $1.50 for 16 oz

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend including more whole grains in your diet, and brown rice, in particular, is a good source of fiber (1 cup has 3 grams). Plus, it’s easy to prep in advance and uses in meals throughout the week by mixing into veggie bowls or stir-fry for a quick weeknight meal. 



Average Cost: $2.25 per pound

These red gems boast antioxidants, which may help prevent prostate cancer as well as wrinkles by helping to protect your skin from UV damage. Cooked tomatoes are best because research shows the lycopene is better absorbed by the body than when it’s raw.

Freekeh grains


Average Cost: $4.60 for 8 oz

This ancient whole grain has a smoky flavor and is packed with 7 grams of fiber and 8 grams of protein per quarter cup. Plus, choosing a complete grain like freekeh will stabilize blood sugar and conserve you full longer. Toss it into salad greens, soups, chili, or use it as a tasty side dish. 



Average Cost: $4 for 8 oz bag

Pistachios give one of the highest protein peers for nuts and they also provide fiber and better-for-you fats. Close to 90 percent of the fats found in pistachios are the beneficial mono- and polyunsaturated type. The trio of plant protein, tissue, and healthy fats helps to hold you fuller longer. I also love the visual cue that in-shell nuts provide, helping to slow you down and prevent extra noshing.

Midsection Of Man Holding Watermelons In Plate


Average Cost: $0.30 to $0.55 per pound

This fruit is uber-hydrating, as it’s more than 90 percent water. And, like tomatoes, it gets its red color from the health-promoting antioxidant lycopene.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

Average Cost: $3.25 per pound

These tiny cabbage-like vegetables should be a staple in everyone’s diet. They’re jammed with Phyto-compounds, potassium, magnesium, and fiber. Brussels sprouts have been recognized as a portion of great anti-inflammatory food to boot. The vegetable is a great addition to salads and meal-prep recipes.   

Available at eBay for $3.



Average Cost: $1.30 per pound

Apples are a good source of filling fiber—and some research even suggests those who eat apples daily tend to use fewer prescription medications. Bonus: 1 cup of apple slices get less than 50 cents.

Butternut squash, sliced and roasted

Butternut Squash

Average Cost: $1.30 per pound

This delicious fall veggie has a low glycemic index, which research shows could help your metabolism, especially following weight loss. I like to roast butternut squash and flavor with lemon juice, vanilla extract, and pomegranate juice.

Available at eBay for $1.

White cauliflower


Average Cost: $2.80 per head

Just because it’s white, don’t discount this powerful cruciferous veg as being less flavorful or nutritious. (Besides, cauliflower can be purple, green and orange.) It’s jam-packed with heart-, brain-, and cell-healthy plant compounds for absolute-body goodness.  Steamed, roasted, grilled, mashed, or riced, cauliflower is a low-carb powerhouse for every meal. Try these 10 healthy recipes.



Average Cost: $1.10 per bunch

This leafy green is chock-full of fiber, plant compounds called flavonoids (a type of antioxidant), and multiple vitamins and minerals. Its high-nutrient content helps fend off certain infections and lower cholesterol levels. Toss it into a salad, soup, or smoothie.

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